Water Transfer Printing Film
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General Patterns
CA-NR (Non-Royalty Camouflage) / CD (Designer) / CS (Stone) / CW (Wood) are general patterns owned by IFFA. They are common patterns widely used by hydrographic customers from a variety of industries. Customers do not need to pay any cylinders fee or royalty fee. Besdies, some popular patterns are available in stock. In that case, customers can order small quantity instead of MOQ.
Royalty Patterns
CA-R (Royalty Patterns) are royalty patterns authorized by famous studios. Customers purchase the royalty hydrographic film from IFFA and apply it on products with copyright protection. Most of the royalty patterns are camouflage designs
CCP (Carbon Fiber Premium) / CDP (Designer Premium) / CKP (Skull Premium) / CMP (Metal Premium) / CWP (Wood Premium) patterns are designed by IFFA or licensed by designers. The Premium hydrograhic film is printed with IFFA’s special heat-resist ink and excellent for finished products with high quality standards, such as avivation and automobiles.
Exclusive Digital WTP Patterns
CCH provides exclusive digital WTP patterns. No cylinders required ; Fast delivery; Suitable for design-phase for few quantities and unique patterns.
網址 | https://www.cchcubic.com/ |
地址 | No.37, Lane 612 He-tou Rd, Tou-cian Village, He-mei Town, Changhua County 50851,Taiwan |
聯絡電話 | +886-4-7573111 / 7555771 |
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